5 Ways Cruciferous Plants Protect Against Cancer.
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  • 5 Ways Cruciferous Plants Protect Against Cancer.

Cruciferous plants, or brassicas, are a family of vegetables with incredible properties. Their chemical composition makes their qualities highly impactful on health and cancer prevention, with the two nutrients that make these vegetables so special being sulforaphane (SFN) and diindolylmethane (DIM).

This family consists of over 3,000 species, among the most well-known are:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Radish
  • Turnips
  • Watercress
  • Arugula

Several studies have proven the great benefits of these wonderful vegetables and how, by adding them to your daily diet, you can prevent diseases and significantly improve your quality of life.

Here, we present 5 ways that cruciferous vegetables protect against cancer.

  1. Prevention: The most important is taking care of our health and if you consume these vegetables daily, forget about worries and maintain a healthy and balanced life.
  2. Protection: These vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, do a great job protecting the body from epigenetic changes.
  3. Attack: Brassica plants like kale, broccoli, or cauliflower do an extraordinary job attacking cancer cells, making your body free from this danger.
  4. Modulate: Some types of estrogens can stimulate the growth of breast cancer in women. By modulating estrogen metabolism, diindolylmethane alters estrogen to make it healthy and non-threatening. This important component of cruciferous vegetables, DIM or diindolylmethane, can also prevent the stimulation or development of prostate cancer.
  5. Inhibit: This extraordinary family has the ability to inhibit the activity of the nuclear factor Kappa B (NF-KB) thanks to sulforaphane. Also, this component provides great benefits against other diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or even cardiovascular problems.

At La Huerta, we commit to always having products of the highest quality, ensuring that all nutrients and qualities remain and are preserved for the necessary time, thus benefiting families with all the goodness of vegetables, making them last longer and always as fresh as if they were just harvested.

So now you have more reasons to add a good plate of broccoli to your menu, include kale in your salads, or enjoy some cauliflower bits, with La Huerta as your ally in the kitchen, the options are endless.

Harvest a healthy life.