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Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of our body. In this case, we want to share some information about the importance of vitamin B so you can make it part of your daily life.

✔️Vitamin B is divided into several types which are: vit B1 (thiamine), vit B2 (riboflavin), vit B3 (niacin), vit B5 (pantothenic acid), vit B6 (pyridoxine), vit B9 (folic acid), and vit B12 (cobalamin).
✔️These vitamins are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fatty acids; they participate in detoxification processes, tissue growth, and red blood cell production, contribute to eye health, and also play a role in the immune system.
✔️It is not necessary to consume large amounts, but it is essential to maintain a diet that provides adequate levels.
✔️B vitamins can be found in foods of both plant and animal origin. The main animal sources are offal, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Among the plant-based foods, we can highlight nuts and legumes, with some of them also found in cereals, fruits, and vegetables.